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Router-Related FAQs at E-Lins

H685 and H820 Router

Related Pictures:


At H685/H820 router, the web status page indicates low signal number or bar.

Main Cause and Solution:

1cellular network low signal in the sitetry to move to other place to test if can get better signal
2antenna not gain good signaltry to change another antenna. E-Lins antenna is world-wide use, please ask for dedicated antenna or get dedicated antenna for your carriers from the local antenna sellers.

1. Get a sim card with data business, enough balance available; Insert the sim card into cellular router sim card slot.

2. Cellular signal is good enough because good signal is required for dialup and good internet speed and bandwidth;

3. One PC or Laptop with RJ45 port to config the router. If H685m is with wifi option feature, you can also config it via WiFi.

For details, please refer to the manual.

Main Cause and Solution:

1Power plug not wellCheck adapter plug, DC plug. If you have more than one product, try to exchange adapter and product
2Power adapter is brokenChange new power adapter
3Router power problemChange new router

Main Cause and Solution:

1Power plug not wellUnplug the power adapter, and replug to try.
2Power adapter is brokenCheck input voltage, standard adapter DC9V/1A, DC5V ~ 40V available. If use DC5v, make sure the output is 2A or higher.
3Router power problemChange new router

Main Cause and Solution:

1R45 ethernet cable plug not wellCheck cable, crystal head, or replace whole new network line
2Uncertain cause for the routerReset the router
3Router failedChange new router

Issue: The ICMP check is not working after configuration. When click “Host/IP Check”button, it displays “the Host/IP is Error” or “Opps! The Host/IP assigned can not get through. Please check your router is online, and the SIM card is with balance for network surfing.” However, the connected PC can go internet or privacy networks.

Related Pictures:

Main Cause and Solution:

1ICMP not configured wellPlease check the assigned Host/IP with PC if it can be ping through. If not through, please use a Host/IP which can be ping through.
2Firewall setting wrongPlease disable the “Ping from WAN Filter” if use ICMP check feature, otherwise it cannot work. See the below picture.
3Router uncertain problem

Change new router or reset the router, then re-configure.

in Router web status menu, it indicates “open device error” or “Can’t open device /dev/ttyUSBx”

Related Pictures:

Main Cause and Solution:

1Web not refreshed

Wait some seconds until the router web refresh.

Follow manual chapter “ WAN – Cellular Network” to set the “Cell Modem” to “AUTO”

2the module inside the router is loosenOpen the router case, re-install the radio module
3Module is failedContact E-Lins to order new or repair
4PCBA board is failedContact E-Lins to order new or repair

Main Cause and Solution:

1cellular network 3G/4G low signal in the sitetry to move to other place to test if can get better signal
2antenna not gain good signaltry to change another antenna. E-Lins antenna is world-wide use, please ask for dedicated antenna or get dedicated antenna for your carriers from the local antenna sellers.
3SIM card service issuetry to replace another sim card to check
4Carrier service issuetry another carrier to test

Issue: SMS not working

Related Pictures:


At H685/H820 router, set the SMS feature as picture above, but when we try to send SMS to H685/H820 Router via phone number 2012 or +8613798257916, the phone number 2012 or +8613798257916 cannot receive any info from the H685/H820 router.

Main Cause and Solution:

1The Router SIM card SMS service is not workingtry to check the SMS service via mobile phone. Use mobile phone to confirm the SIM card SMS service is working before use H685/H820 Router SMS feature
2Setting compatibility issueUncheck the configuration of “Fix Error For Some Network”. Some network need check this configuration, and some network need uncheck this configuration. Please try both for test.
3Setting compatibility issueFrom the sys log of the router, the received command phone number is not 100% exactly with the SMS control configuration. Please modify the configuration. For example, in the picture above, the configuration is +8613798257916, but from the sys log of router is 13798257916. So please modify the phone number from +8613798257916 to 13798257916

Issue: when we set the Link Backup feature, it cannot save the parameters.

1) Wrong setting will not save settings.

If use wrong setting, it will display the following Pop-up window (Some Internet Browser cannot display Pop-up window by blocking, then pls use the the IE or change browser to try)

Then the setting will not be saved.

2) Correct setting will save settings.

Issue: Router status page shows the Cell is UP, but cannot go data.

Main Cause and Solution:

1cellular network issue (ISP Server issue)

try to replace another sim card to try.

Contact with the ISP/Carrier.

2sim card has no balancetry new sim card with balance.
3Fake cell connection

Sometimes, there may cause fake cell connection. Fake connection means the connection is on, but cannot go data.

HIGHLY recommend to activate the “ICMP feature” with H820.  ICMP feature will check line is through or not. If not through, it will automatically redial. Check manual for ICMP feature settings.

Issue: PPTP VPN can work with CISCO router or other server, but cannot work with Windows OS.

Main Cause and Solution:

1Configuration is wrong

please check the configuration if correct.


some windows OS is not good compatible with E-Lins router. Please try new firmware.

Firmware for H685

Firmware for H820

3PPTP Server lost route for PPTP Client

refer router usermanual at chapter PPTP.

And here give an example for Windows2008 Server below. See below picture.

Issue: PPTP VPN can work through gateway to gateway, but not through LAN to LAN.

Typical Diagram:


Once the PPTP is connected, the E-Lins router get PPTP IP from the PPTP Server. From, it can ping through, but cannot ping through

Main Cause and Solution:

1Configuration is wrong

Please check the PPTP configuration if correct. Refer to the manual step by step.


Some windows OS is not good compatible with E-Lins router. Please try new firmware.

Firmware for H685

Firmware for H820

3PPTP Server lost route for PPTP Client

refer router usermanual at chapter PPTP.

In the above PPTP Server Vigor2850, we configed the static route for, then it solve the issue.

See the picture below.

Notes: If there is “PPTP” selection in Network Interface, try to select it if select the “WAN2” cannot work.

You can assign the PPTP IP for PPTP Client of H685/H820/H700/H720 as below,

Issue: Using E-Lins H685 / H820 router to be PPTP Server and PPTP Client to create VPN tunnel.

Typical Diagram:


Issue: SIM Error

Related Pictures:


At H685/H820/H700/H720 router, the “Status Page” indicates “*** SIM Error ***”. Sometimes the Signal will indicates correct signal value, but cannot dialup and Sim Status shows “*** SIM Error ***”.

Main Cause and Solution:

1SIM card is not touched well with sim slot

try to take out the sim card, re-insert it;

try to scratch the sim card slot touch pin to clear the dirty;

2SIM card is not compatible to your local networktry to change another sim card
3SIM card is not compatible to the radio module in the routertry to change another sim card. Or contact sales to order other radio module if possible.

Issue: Sub Network Type no display in Status

Related Pictures:


At H685/H820/H700/H720 router, the “Status Page” should indicates “*** Sub Network Type***”. Sometimes the it will indicates correct signal value, sometimes it indicates nothing.

1Network does not support Sub Network Type for check or Network is not perfect compatible to the radio of the routerMain job is from the network. So there is no good solution unless the network updates to support this
2SIM card is not compatible to the radio module in the routertry to change another sim card. Or contact sales to order other radio module if possible.

Issue: E-Lins H685/H820 router work as VPN server. The VPN client connects to VPN server and works, and the internet data go through with client WAN but not through with VPN server.

Main Cause and Solution:

1H685/H820 router configuration is not correctAt H685/H820 Web GUI, “Router–Operation Mode”, check the feature of “All Data to WAN with NAT”
2H685/H820 can not visit internetCheck and make H685/H820 router visit internet

Issue: Router is online, but packages delay a lot or lose.

Main Cause and Solution:

ItemCauseDescription and Solution
1Network quality

Sometimes network signal is full bar, but the quality is bad or too crowed, which will cause the packages delaying too much or even lost.

Try to test while the network is in spare time.

2Router work in 2G mode

The router dial up to 2G network. 2G network data speed is limited.

If need high data speed, please try 3G or 4G.

3Router work in 2G mode

Router working mode selection is wrong. Try to select “AUTO” or “3G Perfer” or “4G Prefer”

4Router work in 2G mode

Router is 3G/4G version, but sim card is 2G type. Try to use 3G/4G sim card.

Issue: Router cannot dialup while SIM Card has pin code.

Main Cause and Solution:

1router not input the sim card pin codetry to check the pin code input correctly in WAN Cell settings. You can double check on the mobile phone.
2the sim card is already lockedtry to unlock the sim card.

Related pictures:

The router can not work while input the wrong pin code or no put pin code,

The router can work while input the correct pin code,

Issue: PPTP VPN can work.

Typical Diagram:


PPTP VPN not work.

Main Cause and Solution:

1Firmware version is too lowFirmware

Please try new firmware.

Firmware for H685

Firmware for H820

2Using E-Lins routers as VPN Server and VPN Client can work, but use Windows OS as VPN Server cannot workFirmware

Some windows OS is not good compatible with E-Lins router. Please try new firmware.

Firmware for H685 (download firmware dedicated for Windows OS as Server)

Firmware for H820 (download firmware dedicated for Windows OS as Server)

3VPN is connected. PC1 and PC2 cannot visit each other.Settings issue or firewall issue

1) check PC1 and PC2 firewall settings. Try to close the firewalls.

2) check VPN settings, refer to manual at link VPN PPTP Example.

4VPN can connectSetting issue

1) check VPN settings, refer to manual at link VPN PPTP Example.

Issue: SMS Control or DIO SMS Not Working

Related Pictures:

Main Cause and Solution:

1The Router SIM card SMS service is not workingtry to check the SMS service via mobile phone. Use mobile phone to confirm the SIM card SMS service is working before use H685/H820 Router SMS feature
2Setting compatibility issueUncheck the configuration of “Fix Error For Some Network”. Some network need check this configuration, and some network need uncheck this configuration. Please try both for test.
3Setting wrongIn the sys log of router, it indicates received SMS from the dedicated phone, but the SMS configuration is not 100%matched with the dedicated phone number. For example in picture above, the phone number in the SYS Log is +972543442213, but the SMS Configuration is 0543442213. Modify from 0543442213 to +972543442213 to solve the issue.

Modem-Related FAQs at E-Lins

1. Get a sim card with data business, enough balance available; Insert the sim card into USB modem sim card slot.

2. Cellular signal is good enough because good signal is required for dialup and good internet speed and bandwidth;

3. One PC or Laptop with usb port is required for the configuration.

4. Insert the USB dongle modem to PC or Laptop, install the drivers and software.

5. Config the APN paramter and network selection, then dialup to internet.

For details, please refer to the manual.

Other FAQs at E-Lins

5G Redcap is 5G Reduced Capability, also called 5G NR-Light. In simple words, it is a cutdown version 5G Technology which is a significant addition to the 5G family and fill the gap of eMMB/uRLLC/mMTC.


5G Redcap has the following advantages. Higher peak data rate:5G RedCap can support peak data rates much higher than LTE Cat1.Lower latency:5G RedCap offers comparable latency to existing 4G LTE technologies.Improved power consumption:5G RedCap can help to improve the power efficiency of IoT devices, which can extend the battery life of these devices.Lower Cost of UE: 5G Redcap will help reduce much cost than traditional devices’ cost. In the end, it will up to the price of current 4G Radio Module Chipset. Meanwhile it it will help save other accessories or related devices’ cost.

Wireless industrial sensors: 5G RedCap can be used to connect a network of wireless industrial sensors to monitor and control machinery and equipment. Video surveillance: 5G NR-Light can be used to transmit video from security cameras in real-time. This can help to improve security and deter crime. Smart grids: 5G RedCap can be used to monitor and control the power grid. This can help to improve the efficiency and reliability of the grid. Smart wearables: 5G RedCap can be used to connect smart wearables, such as fitness trackers and smartwatches. Traditional applications: It also can cover almost all traditional applications such as Power/Energy/Solar/CCTV/Smart Home/Weather Monitor/etc.


It depends on factors like application lifespan and deployment region. It is important to point out that RedCap is in its beginning, and it will take quite some time before it is available worldwide. Operators often begin with the non-standalone (NSA) version of 5G, anchored in 4G, before moving to the standalone (SA) version with full capabilities. After finish 5G Redcap’s network updates, then it will comes to commercial use cases worldwide.

Ruggedized routers are routers designed for industrial environments/extreme environments. These routers are often used in industrial control systems, remote monitoring systems, military applications, and other situations that require reliable operation under harsh conditions, such as substations, regional network hubs, and mobile vehicle. Ruggedized routers have the following features: durability, wide temperature range, power protection, remote management, dustproof, shockproof, etc.

Ruggedized equipment is typically used when it needs to operate in harsh or special environmental conditions. Here are some common scenarios: Industrial control systems, military applications, energy industry, remote areas, emergency rescue, safety critical infrastructure In general, ruggedized devices are mainly used in situations that need to operate under extreme or special environmental conditions and have strict requirements on network connection reliability and security.

Hard routers are implemented based on physical hardware: Hard routers are specially designed and manufactured physical devices that usually contain hardware components such as dedicated processors, memory, and network interfaces. Soft routers are implemented based on a general computer platform: Soft routers implement routing functions by installing and running specific routing software on a general computer platform, usually using standard PC hardware. Hard routers are more suitable for scenarios with higher requirements on performance and stability, such as enterprise networks and large data centers; while soft routers are more suitable for scenarios with higher requirements on cost and flexibility, such as individual users, small businesses or specific Custom applications.

Poor location of the router: If the router is placed in a corner or behind a partition, the signal will be blocked, resulting in poor signal quality. It is recommended to place the router in an open area, such as the center of the living room. Signal interference: Within the frequency range used by wireless networks, other devices (such as microwave ovens, wireless phones, etc.) are also using the same frequency band, which may cause interference to the wireless network. It is recommended to keep the router at a certain distance from these devices. Router aging: Routers that have been used for a long time may have hardware aging, resulting in signal deterioration. It is recommended to replace the router with a new one. If your WiFi signal often becomes weak, you can try restarting the router, clearing cached data, or consider replacing it with a new device.


In fact, the essential function of the SIM card is identity recognition, and does not involve the difference between 4G or 5G. Therefore, if the mobile phone/router supports 4G, you can use the 4g network; if the mobile phone/router supports 5g, you can use the 5g network. No matter which network you use, you need a corresponding mobile data plan.